1.2.2. Sciath Insurance Brokers, acting in the provision of insurance and benefits brokerage services, ensures the protection and privacy of the information it uses, respecting the following principles: Compliance with all applicable information security and privacy requirements. Promoting continuous improvement of the information security management system. Reducing information security risks.
1.2.3. Like ethics, security must be understood as a fundamental part of Sciath Insurance Brokers’ internal culture. In other words, any security incident is understood to be someone acting against the ethics and good customs governed by the institution.
1.2.4 All practices that threaten information security will be dealt with by the application of disciplinary actions, ranging from a verbal warning to termination for just cause, considering factors such as: function performed by the employee, period used, place of use, time of use, actual or potential damage caused to Sciath Insurance Brokes, among others.